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Past events

25 Jul 2024 A Preview of Design Rules, Vol. 2: How Technology Shapes Organizations
27 Jun 2024 Research in Progress in Organization Design and Human Capital
30 May 2024 Unlocking the Power of Organization Development at Novartis
23 May 2024 Virtual Organization Design Community General Assembly for Members 2024
14 Mar 2024 Research in Progress in Organization Design
15 Feb 2024 Accelerating the Path to Becoming an Organization Design Practitioner: Accenture's experience in Building a Global Team
25 Jan 2024 Two Faces of Organizational Resilience: Robustness versus Adaptability
26 Oct 2023 Organization Design Community Annual Conference 2023
27 Jul 2023 Improving Family-Centered Care in the Intensive Care Unit through Organizational Interventions
29 Jun 2023 AI in Organizations: from tools to teammates
08 Jun 2023 The Impact of Blockchain Technology on Organizational Design
25 May 2023 Virtual Organization Design Community General Assembly for Members 2023
18 May 2023 From Big Data to Actionable Insights: Addressing Measurement Issues in Organizational Design
20 Apr 2023 ODC Webinar: Research in Progress III
30 Mar 2023 New Frontiers in Understanding and Managing Organizational Culture
09 Mar 2023 Ecosystem as an Organization Design Choice and Designing an Ecosystem
19 Jan 2023 ODC Webinar: Purpose and Organisational Design
08 Dec 2022 Webinar: Research In Progress II-2022 "How do AI and alter egos develop professional identities and adapt organizational design?"
24 Nov 2022 Organizational Design, Corporate Structure and Diversification
27 Oct 2022 Organization Design Community Annual Conference 2022
20 Oct 2022 Vaccinating healthcare supply chains against market failure: The case of Civica Rx
22 Sep 2022 Webinar: Research In Progress I-2022
16 Jun 2022 The Need for Speed: Designing Agility into the Most Complex Organizations
31 May 2022 Virtual Organization Design Community General Assembly for Members 2022
05 May 2022 ODC@10 Organizing for Good: "Organizing for the Future"
07 Apr 2022 ODC Webinar: "Data Driven Organization Design”
24 Mar 2022 ODC@10 Organizing for Good: "Designing Schools for Curiosity and Generosity"
10 Mar 2022 ODC@10 Organizing for Good: Designing Organizations for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
16 Dec 2021 ODC-UN Panel on Technology & Labor Markets
09 Dec 2021 Organizing for Good: Organizing for Decent Work and Economic Growth
25 Nov 2021 Webinar: Research In Progress III
18 Nov 2021 Organizing for Good: Breaking the tradeoffs: Climate change vs. energy, work, and growth
28 Oct 2021 Organization Design Community Annual Conference 2021
21 Oct 2021 Organizing for Good: Breaking the tradeoffs: Inequality remediation vs. growth
07 Oct 2021 Organizing for Good: Organizing for better Healthcare: Organizational Design and Resilience in the Context of Change
23 Sep 2021 Organizing for Good: Innovation within the UN Organizations
16 Sep 2021 Organizing for Good: Using Deep-Tech to Solve Grand Challenges
09 Sep 2021 Organizing for Good: ‘Establishing Partnerships for Global Societal Impact’
26 Aug 2021 Organizing for Good: ‘Designing Sustainable Communities’
05 Aug 2021 Virtual Organization Design Community Extraordinary General Meeting for Members 2021
29 Jul 2021 "Organization Design challenges in the Tech Sector: What’s coming up for the next decade”
10 Jun 2021 Networked, Scaled, and Agile – Can your company really be all three?
08 Jun 2021 Virtual Organization Design Community Annual General Meeting for Members 2021
06 May 2021 How self-organization works: Lessons from Bali
29 Apr 2021 ODC@10: Managing Organizational Change for Good II
22 Apr 2021 Webinar: Research In Progress II
08 Apr 2021 ODC@10: Managing Organizational Change for Good
25 Mar 2021 Webinar: Research In Progress
04 Mar 2021 Redesigning Organizations Systems of Organizing, Managing and Leading: The Indispensable Role of Honest Conversations
25 Feb 2021 Agent-based Models for Organization Design
11 Feb 2021 Organization Design Challenges in Indian Context
28 Jan 2021 "Designing Future Healthcare Systems"
14 Jan 2021 Experimental Methods for Organization Design Researchers
17 Dec 2020 Using AI to Build Theory
10 Dec 2020 Machine Learning: A Hands on Introduction
03 Dec 2020 "Organization Design and Power"
19 Nov 2020 Going way beyond “strategic design” – Implementing Organization Designs
12 Nov 2020 The Art of Scoping out an Organization Design Project
05 Nov 2020 Baldwin and Clark’s Design Rules I: Twenty years after
28 Oct 2020 Webinar on "Beneath the Surface of Less-Hierarchical Organizing"
22 Oct 2020 Studying Organizational Design using Qualitative Methods
15 Oct 2020 Webinar on "Mapping Complexity in Organizations"
30 Sep 2020 Webinar on “Unleashing the Power of Organizational Design for Cultural Transformation”
30 Jul 2020 Organization Design Community Annual Conference 2020
30 Jun 2020 Virtual Organization Design Community Annual General Meeting for Members 2020
11 Jun 2020 Webinar on “The Strategic Role of Middle Managers in Organizational Design”
29 Apr 2020 Webinar on “ Chaos Containment by Design: Survival for Chaotic Times”
26 Feb 2020 Webinar on “ Organizational Design & Development in the Age of Algorithms”
15 Jan 2020 Webinar on "The Four Big Reasons Organizational Design Project Fail"
21 Nov 2019 Webinar on "The Divergent Effects of Digitalization on Organizational Design"
16 Oct 2019 Webinar on "Designing for Agility"
09 Sep 2019 Webinar on "Global Organization Design"
11 Aug 2019 Organization Design Community Annual Conference 2019
11 Aug 2019 Organization Design Community Annual General Meeting for Members 2019
27 Jun 2019 Webinar on "How to Mobilize and Align Leaders Using Collaborative Design"
12 Aug 2018 ODC Annual Conference 2018
12 Aug 2018 Organizational Design Community Annual General Meeting for Members 2018
29 May 2018 Journal of Organization Design (JOD) conference
06 Aug 2017 ODC Annual Conference 2017
06 Aug 2017 Organizational Design Community Annual General Meeting for Members
07 Aug 2016 ODC Annual Conference 2016
07 Aug 2016 ODC Annual Meeting
10 Dec 2015 Conference Board - 11th Annual Organization Design and Diagnostics Conference
09 Aug 2015 ODC Annual Conference 2015
09 Aug 2015 ODC Annual Meeting 2015
03 Aug 2014 ODC Annual Meeting & Conference 2014
24 Mar 2014 Webinar on Activating the Global Operating Model for Growth
09 Dec 2013 Webinar on Designing Organizations for User Innovation
08 Aug 2013 ODC Annual Meeting & Conference 2013
01 Mar 2013 Webinar on Making Organization Design Knowledge Actionable
03 Aug 2012 The Inaugural ODC Conference 2012

Join us

Membership in the community is open to any individual, firm, organization or institution with an interest in advancing the knowledge and practice of organization design and who wish to support and enhance ODC's mission.


Contact us

Organizational Design Community
Co/Department of Management
Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University
Fuglesangs Alle 4
DK-8210 Aarhus V

CVR: 33843615

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