The Role of Hierarchy in Modern Organizations
The role of hierarchy is challenged and disputed in modern organization design, but still we see hierarchy as the most common form of organizing.
In this conference we will address non-hierarchical modes of organizing and explore the role of hierarchy in today’s organizations.
9 AM - 10 AM: ODC Annual Meeting.
Breakfast (free for participants) will be served during the annual meeting.
10.00 AM - 10.15 AM: Welcome
Marlo Raveendran, UC Riverside (video)
10.15 AM - 12.30 AM: Collaborative organizing: Organization design without traditional hierarchy?
In this session we will explore the power of non-hierarchical modes of organizing, and how highly distributed organizations are able to collaborate effectively, without traditional elements of structure and power.
Jerry Davis, Professor, University of Michigan (video)
- The emergence of the webpage enterprise
Arun Sundararajan, Professor, NYU Stern (video)
- Crowd-Based Capitalism: Are Sharing Economy Platforms the Future of Organizations?
Hila Lifshitz-Assaf, Assistant Professor, NYU Stern (video)
- Turbulent Stability of Emergent Roles: The Dualistic Nature of Self-Organizing Knowledge Co-Production
Jennifer Kurkoski, People Analytic Manager, Google
- Fractures, fault lines, and the potential pitfalls of collaborative organizing: Stories from Google
Xavier Castaner, Professor, University of Lausanne (video)
12. 30AM - 1.15 PM: Lunch and networking (free for participants)
1.15 PM - 3.30 PM: What is the role of hierarchy in today’s and tomorrow’s organizations?
In this session we will explore the role of hierarchy in today’s organizations. In light of the insights derived from session 1, what can we say about the role of traditional hierarchies and their importance of managing firms successfully?
Carliss Baldwin, Professor, Harvard Business School (video)
- Chandler Revisited: Hierarchy, Vertical Integration and Authority in the Rationalization of Step Processes
Melissa Valentine, Assistant Professor, Stanford University
- Flash Organizations: Crowdsourcing Complex Work via Reconfigurable Organizational Structures
Amy Kates, Kates Kesler Organization Consulting
Stephan Billinger, Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark (video)
3.30 PM - 3.45 PM: Coffee break
3.45 PM - 4.45 PM: Organization design in collaborative and hierarchical organizations - a discussion
The aim of this session is to have a broader discussion with conference participants about the role of traditional and non-traditional modes of organizing on the field and practice of organization design today.
Charles Snow, Professor Emeritus ,Penn State University.
4.45 PM - 5 PM: Closing remarks
Marlo Raveendran, UC Riverside
Marlo Raveendran, UC Riverside

Hila Lifshitz-Assaf, Stern School of Business, NYU.