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  • Webinar on "Designing for Agility"

Webinar on "Designing for Agility"

  • 16 Oct 2019
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Zoom Webinar - Link to follow
  • 19


  • European Organisation Design Forum Members
  • Organization Design Forum Members

Registration is closed

The Organizational Design Community invites you to join E. Craig McGee, Ph.D. for a webinar titled "Designing for Agility"

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 at 11.00 AM (EDT) 8.00 AM (PDT), 4.00 PM (GMT), 5.00 PM (CET), 6.00 PM (MSK), 11.00 AM (China ST).


Designing for Agility


Is your organization ready for the next decade?  

Organization design matters more than ever in the search for enduring success in the 2020 marketplace.  Now is the time to make the most of organizational capabilities and position ourselves for the future. Regardless of the industry and strategy, our organizations need agility in order to shift and advance in global markets. This webinar helps you start with a sound strategic foundation and design the right structures, work processes, and human capital systems that support organizational agility and lead to enduring results.

Organizing for Agility: A 7 Step Approach TM   

Solutions, in conjunction with the Organization Design Community, is pleased to announce a webinar on "Designing for Agility: A Seven Step Process™".  This webinar covers the theory, practice and tools for creating an agile, highly competitive organization.  It provides a concise, easy to understand 7-step model for redesigning organizations for high performance and competitive advantage, whether it be an existing company, a start-up, a non-profit, or a multinational business.  Participants will learn about a practical, easy-to-apply model for designing a more agile organization.  Practical tools and a case study will be shared to illustrate how this model has been applied in the real world.

Speaker Bio:

Craig McGee is a Principal of Solutions, a organization design and change management consulting firm.  He has over twenty-five years experience with extensive background in organization development, organization design, team development, process improvement, management development, selection, human resources planning, labor relations, and compensation.  He has served in external consulting, corporate staff and line management roles, and has the ability to blend a strong technical background with pragmatic, sound business judgment.   He has held several board level roles with the Organization Design Forum and is an active member with the Organization Design Community.

Summary of Qualifications

Nationwide Insurance.  Market conditions required significant change in strategy for $2 subsidiary.  Assisted senior leadership to clarify new strategy.  Facilitated two design teams of high potential leaders to develop new strategy, management processes, metrics, and business processes.  New customer-centric structure resulted in double digit growth when industry overall was declining.

Case Logic, Inc.  Rapidly growing (20% annually) manufacturer/distributor of audio, video and computer accessories.  Led executive team to identify management  behaviors, systems and structures required to support high growth.  Implemented product management concept and restructured IS department..  Led executive team to develop more effective communications and decision-making skills.

Bausch and Lomb.  Designed and managed large group process that  created and steered the implementation of a global procurement process.  Developed detailed implementation process for 3 global teams (each in a different part of the world).  Produced $30M in savings.

Ingersoll-Rand Developed communications plan for new process redesign for major business unit.  Custom designed plan to use different communications vehicles to communicate different messages to different audiences.  Provided change leadership education to multiple business units.

IBM.  Managed the outsourcing of the North American transportation and logistics function to outside 3rdparty.  Redesigned transportation process and established new operating practices.  Coordinated outsourcing process across seven plants.

Sybase.  $800 million software company that develops and installs database management software.  Re-engineered product development process.  Restructured functional project groups into product aligned development teams.  Assisted in the integration of a newly acquired business unit into the Sybase structure.   Developed high performance culture that was compatible with overall Sybase culture while maintaining strengths of high performing, entrepreneurial business.  Developed improved work flows within the IS department.

Anheuser-Busch.  First new plant startup in 13 years for $10B beverage manufacturer.  Startup manager for $500M brewery.  Startup achieved on-time, under-budget, with innovative, high performance culture.  Sustained highest productivity numbers in the system.  Plant continues to be used for development of new brands and packages.

Webinar is only for ODC, EODF and ODF members only.

Registration closes 11:00 am Eastern Time, October 15th 2019.

Hope you will be able to join us!

Watch the recording of the webinar

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Organizational Design Community
Co/Department of Management
Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University
Fuglesangs Alle 4
DK-8210 Aarhus V

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